Simple and Useful Tips and Tricks for Everyday Life That Actually Work
Turn Any Plastic Bag Into a Space-Saving Vacuum Storage Bag
You can store your things for a long time or just save room when you travel by vacuum packing them. You would normally have to buy a special vacuum-sealed bag for this, but it turns out you can use the trash bags you already have at home. To use a vacuum, hold your trash bag’s hole around the extension of your vacuum and squeeze the air out of it.

This should yield the same results as if you had used a special, fancy bag. When you take off the vacuum’s extension, just be careful not to let too much air back in.
Hold Your Straw Up Using the Tab
It’s incredibly simple, making it one of our favorite hacks on this list. If you use a straw to drink soda from a can, there’s an easy way to keep your straw from flying around when you take a sip. If you bend your can forward, you can use the hole in the tab to hold your straw in place.

This is all you need to know. Now you won’t have to guess when you bend over to sip your drink and get air in your mouth.
How to Easily and Quickly Thread a Needle
Threading a needle is one of the most annoying tasks. With this hack, though, it doesn’t have to be that way. It turns out that threading almost any needle is a breeze and will never fail. Just tape the thread’s end and push it through the needle gap. This prevents any tiny fibers from adhering to the edges of the hole.

The only thing you need to do is fold the tape small enough to fit through the needle. If you don’t, it will be too thick to fit.
Strain Your Pasta More Efficiently
Pasta is a quick and easy way to make almost any meal. There’s always a better way to do something, even if straining pasta isn’t that hard. This TikToker found a faster and easier way to strain pasta. As it turns out, you don’t need to pour the pasta into a sieve. Just put the strainer over the pot and let the water drain out.

We have to say that it does look a bit more efficient and faster than putting everything through a strainer and then making the pasta and sauce.
Pants a Little Small on You? Use This Hack to Keep Wearing Them
Many people get upset when their favorite jeans or pants don’t fit them as well as they used to. Still, you don’t have to buy a new pair of pants right away. You don’t even have to stop wearing the ones you already have. Instead of buttoning your pants, use a hair tie to keep them closed.

It’s simple to tie your hair back by looping one end around the button and the other end through the keyhole. This will keep your favorite jeans in place.
Remove Tendons From Chicken Without Wasting Any of It
The hardest part of cleaning raw chicken is the muscles. It is not advisable to waste meat by removing it in order to extract a few muscles. Raw chicken is a bit slippery. Instead, try pulling out any muscles you find while you’re cooking with a fork. To do this, simply insert the ends of a tendon between two fork points.

Press down on the chicken. This should make it easy to pull out any muscles, saving you time and stress while reducing the amount of food you throw away.
How to Cut a Cake Perfectly (no Knives Involved)
There’s a much better way to cut a cake that doesn’t involve a knife, but this hack makes sense once you know it. In fact, you need to use a cheese wire. Considering the messy and uneven appearance of cake slices after a knife cut, this makes a lot of sense. A cheese wire, on the other hand, looks like it could easily go through a cake.

We also appreciate that this hack requires minimal equipment. To start cutting, all you need is a piece of cake and cheese wire.
Get Perfect and Evenly Spaced Drapes
Have you ever seen a set of drapes with the same size holes between them? Have you ever wondered how someone managed to achieve this? This could be the answer. To ensure even drape spacing, slide a toilet paper roll between every other hole. No one will know the difference.

Some may wonder how your blinds are evenly spaced, but that’s your secret.