How To Make A Guy Want To Spend More Time With You—Without Clinging!

Wanting to spend time with someone you love is very normal and valid.

However, let me say right off the bat that, like this post’s topic says, I’m not talking about wanting him to spend time with you 24/7.

If that’s you, this post is not for you because it’s unhealthy to want to be with someone 24/7; you should have a life outside of your partner and vice versa.

However, that doesn’t negate that enjoying someone’s company and wanting to be around them is part of being in love with them.

But it’s tricky when you’re not operating from the same momentum.

If he’s okay with seeing you once a week and you want more, if not finely addressed, you could come off as clingy, which we don’t want.

Instead, the best way is to make him want to spend more time with you.

But how do you make a guy want to spend more time with you without clinging to him?

Follow along as I address that.

7 Ways To Make A Guy Want To Spend More Time With You Without Clinging To Him

1. Communicate How You Feel

I know what you are thinking; “If I tell him I want to spend more time with him, won’t he say I’m being clingy?”

Well, it depends on who you are dealing with and how you communicate it.

In the first instance, you will always be too much for someone who doesn’t want you.

So, no matter what you do, even seeing each other once a month might be too much if a guy doesn’t want you.

If you are dealing with someone who obviously doesn’t care for you, you should count your losses and move on with your life.

But if he’s equally interested in you, you can communicate your desires politely and effectively.

Firstly, don’t accuse him.

Accusing him will immediately make him lose interest in the discussion, and yes, it will make him feel you are being clingy.

Instead of throwing tantrums about how he doesn’t want to spend time with you or doesn’t care about your feelings, tell him you enjoy being around him and want to spend time with him.

Secondly, don’t try to force or pressure him into anything.

Simply let him know honestly and respectfully what you’d like.

That way, it will be less about what he’s doing wrong and more about how you love his company.

He’d be more receptive to you, and if anything is making it difficult to spend as much time with you, he’d explain it to you calmly, making you feel more relaxed with your time apart.

2. Build An Emotional Connection With Him

Show genuine interest in his life and have an engaging conversation with him.

Nobody will want to spend more time than necessary with someone who bores them.

So, you need to find a way to interest him and let him enjoy being around you.

Read more if you have to so you can contribute to the conversation and have something to say.

Of course, I’m not advocating being a chatterbox; I’m saying being able to hold your own in a conversation.

Ask him questions to genuinely know him and listen when he is talking.

Also, share information about yourself so he doesn’t feel like you’re not interested in letting him know you.

That’s how to form an emotional connection that endears you to people’s hearts.

3. Add Value To Him

How to Make a Guy Want to Spend More Time with You - Without Clinging!

If you want a man to love spending time with you, you need to add value to him whenever he’s around you.

Don’t be someone who often welcomes him with problems and offers no solution when he needs one.

Of course, you are not God, so you cannot have a solution to every problem, but you should be able to offer something once in a while.

If you always need him for something every time he comes around you, and he gets no value from you, he won’t have any incentive to spend time with you.

The truth is we are all attracted to where we get value.

This is why men are attracted to independent women; they are solution providers, not just problem givers.

On the other hand, a man likes being a hero to the woman he likes, so he also doesn’t mind solving issues for you.

But does he also have an effective soundboard in you when he needs one?

That’s a question to think about.

4. Have A Life Outside Him

You may want to be around him all the time because you don’t have a life independent of him.

Get busy with your work, school, or business.

Enjoy your hobbies without him.

And hang out with your friends without needing him there.

When he sees you have a full and wholesome life, he’ll want to be a part of it.

In fact, that way, you’d have things to talk about as you compare notes from your time away and also be able to add value to him because you are engaging your brain.

Plus, it shows him that you are not waiting to be entertained by him, and you’d be fine without him if he doesn’t get it together.

5. Give Him Space

How to Make a Guy Want to Spend More Time with You - Without Clinging!

Trust him enough to give him space; don’t smother him.

If you insist on being around him all the time and don’t establish and respect boundaries, you’ll turn him off instead of endearing him to you.

But when you give him his well-needed space and trust him when he’s away from you, he will be more inclined to be worthy of your trust.

Let him do his work in peace and spend time with his friends when he wants to.

Let him miss you instead of bombarding him with plenty of calls and texts when he’s away.

This will make your relationship more meaningful and make him want to spend more time with you.

6. Let Him Enjoy His Time With You

If you want your man to keep coming back for more, you need to create an environment that encourages him to do so.

He will likely avoid being around you if you’re constantly fighting with him and nagging him.

Men want peace, and they go where there’s peace.

So, you need to make sure he enjoys his time with you.

Let him have peace, fun, adventure, and engaging conversation; he’ll always want to be around you.

7. Organize Fun Activities

How to Make a Guy Want to Spend More Time with You - Without Clinging!

You can also take the initiative to organize fun activities that he’d enjoy.

A good option is something related to his hobby or activities you both love.

Of course, you should consider his schedule when initiating events, as he might reject you if you suggest the wrong time, making you feel bad.

Make sure to choose a time he’s free or can make time.

Also, try not to be monotonous; be creative and spontaneous, coming up with things to wow him.

If you are running out of ideas, you can look for fun activity ideas on the Internet that interest him.

A man naturally wants to spend time with a woman he likes and enjoys being around.

If he likes you, that’s one hurdle crossed. 

You just need to be a safe, fun, and loving space for him, and he will gravitate towards you without you having to do too much. 

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