8 Celebrities Reveal Their Secrets for Glowing, Healthy & Beautiful Skin

1. Jennifer Lawrence – Exfoliation Using Apricot Scrub

This Hollywood beauty peels her skin off all the time. She does it twice a week because exfoliating with St. Ives Apricot Scrub is such an important part of her skin care routine. She also applies the ice tray treatment, which involves wrapping ice cubes in thin muslin or tissue and placing them on her eyes and cheeks to reduce puffiness and maintain a glowing complexion.


2. Gal Gadot – Hydration is Key

There’s nothing that can stop our Wonder Woman from following a strict skin care practice. Her routine is always full, but she always makes time to drink a lot of water. Before going to bed, she also used cleaning oils to get rid of all the makeup on her face. She also swears by moisturizers as an important part of her face care routine.


3. Jennifer Aniston – Petroleum Jelly for Under Eyes

Jennifer Aniston is excellent at keeping beauty secrets. As it turned out, every hairstyle Jennifer Aniston wore on “F.R.I.E.N.D.”S.” became an instant hit. On top of that, Jennifer Aniston doesn’t really like makeup. In shades of brown, she will always look like herself. Putting petroleum jelly on her skin is the actress’s best beauty secret. Every night, she puts it under her eyes as a cream to keep wrinkles and fine lines away. She also puts cold water on her face every morning to open up the pores and reduce the size of her eyes.


4. Penelope Cruz – In Love with Veggies

Peelope Cruz has a lot of love for the Spanish vegetable dish gazpacho. Gazpacho is full of healthy nutrients, water, and fatty acids that keep the skin hydrated and healthy. We make it with raw veggies, olive oil, and water. The food also gives you a beneficial amount of cucumber, tomatoes, bell pepper, and onion.


5. Kate Bosworth – Sheet Masks are Wow!

Kate Bosworth offers an overnight pick-me-up skin care tip to the world through her emergency sheet mask addition. She states that it works best as a quick fix to heal the skin. For added effect, she pops the sheet masks into the refrigerator a couple of hours before using them to deal with inflammation and more.


6. Olivia Munn – Hyaluronic Acid not Just a First aid Item

You can find hyaluronic acid in your first aid kit. People use this acid to heal burns, scars, and other cuts. However, those with an interest in medicine were unaware that it could also prevent wrinkles on the skin. Olivia Munn’s beauty tips include eating a lot of Japanese potatoes and making sure she gets hyaluronic acid every day.


7. Emma Stone – Grapeseed oil for Sensitive Skin

One thing that not many people know about the famous actor from “La La Land” is that she has very sensitive skin. This woman told everyone that grapeseed oil was her secret weapon for keeping skin clear and fresh. There are also antioxidants, vitamin E, and linoleic acid in grapeseed oil, all of which are beneficial for your face.


8. Kendall Jenner – DIY Spot Treatment

Kendall Jenner treats spots herself, and it works really well for small spots that show up out of the blue. She applies a well-beaten egg white, half a lemon’s juice, and honey. She waits 30 minutes and then washes it off. The acid in the mask gets rid of the spots, and the honey makes the face feel better.


Are you glad you got to see a sneak peek at these celebrities’ beauty secrets? Don’t forget to share these easy and cheap skin-care tips with your friends who also care about their faces.

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